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What does a Good Advertisement Copy mean? Meaning and Definition

Introduction; The advertisement copy refers to the written contents of the advertisement including its text and headline. It can refer to as the heart of advertising and should draft with utmost care; otherwise, all the money invested in carrying out the advertisement campaign will go to waste.

In the words of William J. Stanton, 

"The copy in an advertisement is defined as the written or spoken material in it, including the headline, coupons and advertiser’s name, and address as well as the main body of the message."

Simply stated advertisement copy means the total structure relating to the message which the advertiser wants to convey by using any medium of advertisement. The advertisement copy should prepare in such a manner as to leave an ever-lasting impression on the reader. The job of drafting the copy should be entrusted to an expert.

The reader should not only read but understand and believe the contents given in the advertisement copy. It should be properly worked and cover every detail with regard to the product. Various considerations or essentials of a properly drafted advertisement copy are as under.

An "advertising copy" is the means by which an advertiser expresses his ideas in the form of a message to the readers. It refers to all the reading matters of an advertisement, whether short or long, and includes the headline, sub-headlines, text or body, and the name or the initial of an advertiser. An advertising copy is sometimes referred to as "advertising message".

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